Monday, December 9, 2013


For Interactive Media, I decided to create an example of Facebook Fan Page and Twitter for the launch promotion. It will give not just the product information but also summer tips for girls. The interactive media exist for us to be more friendly with our target audience so I imagine it to be more casual in greetings and announcing info than other types of ad.
Here's the link for you to check it out;

Oh, and freshties is a shorter version of Fresh Sweeties. I figured if we want to be reachable I would called my costumer in a more friendlier way, according to the style of the product. In this case, Wacoal Summer Collection 2014 supposed to be a younger and fun collection than the rest, and it will give a sense of fresh for the costumer. The costumer here are young, modern girls. So why not take all of that points and make it to a nickname for our TA?


Next is the idea for outdoor & ambience.

First, for the outdoor, is a giant banner that cover a whole mall. ..Okay, half of the mall. Actually, I really want this idea to happen, like, please make it the whole mall building, because I really want to see it real life instead of imagining it all the time. I know, it's not a banner anymore if it's cover the whole building, but let me imagine this for a while... Okay, move on. The idea to create an illusion of a melting building parts with the giant banner. If it put in the center, then it will create an illusion as if the center of building is melting.
You can view the script here ;

Second is the idea for an ambience. It's the same object with the melting mannequins in the TVC Ad and it will be positioned in the mall.
I think I already pretty much covered it in the script, here ;


Okay, for the TVC Ad, I have two ideas.

The first one is to build the freshness with music and HD close up of someone's making a mint mojito. I chose mojito because it's a very popular summer drink for those folks who likes to hang out in the beach or bar. And visually, it has this sense of freshness with the mixture of lime and ice and mints and so on. Second, I chose music to utilize the process of making it. The sound of cutting the lime, pouring down the water, dropping the ice cubes, to the a melody that can bring the freshness more. And to top it all, it takes place in a beach bar with girls wearing the Wacoal Summer Collection, dancing and playing, in the background.
Here's the script ;

The second one is a bit more like the Radio Ad but without empathizing the melting virus and without any human figures. Because it's a fashion brand, I decided to use a walking, talking, breathing, and of course, melting, mannequins. So the idea to is to create a scene in a sunny, beautiful beach, where a group of girl mannequins are enjoying the heat...until they melts. Why? Well, it's because they don't wear Wacoal's bra of course ahahaha. They just wear just another piece of bra or in this ad, they wear a black strip cloth with 'JUST ANOTHER BRA' written on it. There is a single, perfectly confident, mannequin who wear one of the summer collection who saves the day. 
Here's the script ;


I make this Radio Ad a with a little touch of fantasy to it. I decided to create a world where a very dangerous melting virus has spread and claim its victim. Of course, there are survivors and that is a happy-go-luck woman reporter who is on a duty to report a very chaotic beach where almost everyone is infected.
For more, you can view the script here;


Move on to the creative materials, first I thought for the main theme for the ads. I decided to go with melt or melting, because it's summer and it's hot (even though Jakarta always hot) and anybody could melt any second now. Plus it emphasize the function 'fresh'.
The first material is Print Ad. 
The idea is to place a visual of water/ice cream/soda  in the two spread pages. 
Here's the script and the layout sketch.


This is my imaginary campaign project for Wacoal. Of course, I chose Wacoal because I can relate to the brand very well.
So the main idea is to launch a new Summer Collection for 2014.
Here's the brief ;

oh but first..

last day with my mentor, the greatest teacher of all time, Mrs. Nunu.
THANK YOU :''''''')